Had an idea, a document, a photo, a video or an audio file you wanted to share but needed to be kept confidential? With one click you initiate a Blockchain secured confidentiality agreement before sending via iMessage. When, and only when the recipient agrees to confidentiality, your shared content is revealed to them.
Download a signed and enforceable Blockchain verified confidentiality agreement anytime.
We set out to build a simple and powerful platform for the free exchange of ideas and materials without the fear factor.
Prior to sending, ensure the recipient agrees to confidentiality. Oath allows you to initiate a confidential share by simply clicking the object.
See a list of Oaths between your contacts. You see time & location data for both parties when the confidentiality agreement is signed.
Oath is simple. From iMessage, send photos, videos, documents or messages. All protected by a Blockchain Non-Disclosure Agreement.
We set out to build something powerful and simple. Our entire team has had the experience of the free flow of ideas halted while we wait for attorneys to redline themselves into a coma. No more we say, no more!
Send from iMessage.
The recipient agrees with a click.
Blockchain sheltered sharing.
What "people" are saying about Oath.
I'm tired of photos meant for one person being shared without my permission.
— All the people, All the placesSure you did Buddy, well then you should have gotten an Oath...Oh wait.
— Joe Schmo, Main StreetYep, we know, that's why we built it. We're pumped
— Rick Sanchez, EverywhereOh sweetie, you're so smart and I just know you're going to make it
— Grandma, Kitchen
— Rando, Starbucks